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You don’t need a group of gifted researchers to find out what to do when your lovely Pockies’ customers, mainly men but certainly some women as well, can’t get enough of your boxer shorts with pockets. You create longer boxers with pockets called Pyjama Pants. The same level of comfort but with three times the length. Your legs never were this comfy, warm and good looking. 

Can you see yourself lying down on the couch or that rug in front of the fireplace? No? Well we can see you doing it. And you look amazing. And not only will this Couch Couture look make you sparkle like a fancy present, you will also feel the warm embrace of 100% organic cotton around your limbs. 

These lounge pants are here for you or for you to give as a present to a loved one, friend or enemy. Rumor has it that IF these pyjama pants were around during WWI and both sides had given these as a little gift the war would have stopped immediately. But sadly, that’s something we will never know.